The 2nd Annual STERG SolarPACES Symposium took place on the 17th of July 2014. Presentations covered research related to concentrating solar power (CSP) as well as solar process heat. This was an opportunity for researchers in the field of solar thermal power and heat to present their work. Interested students, researchers and members of industry and the general public were all welcome to attend. For further information on the work that was presented at the STERG SolarPACES symposium and contact details scroll down on this page.
The STERG symposium formed the first day of the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies’ (CRSES) 4th bi-annual Postgraduate Research Symposium which continued on the 18th of July in the same venue. For those who are interested in wind, ocean, bio and solar PV energy, further information on the 4th CRSES Postgraduate Research Symposium can be found on the CRSES website (

Image on Left: STERG Leadership and special guests (from left to right): Dr Michael Geyer (Director International Project Development; Abengoa Solar), Mr Paul Gauché (Sr. Researcher and Director of STERG), Dr Anton Vosloo (SASOL), Prof Frank Dinter (ESKOM Chair in CSP at Stellenbosch University) & Mr Vikesh Rajpaul (Programme Manager – CSP Renewable Business Unit; Eskom). Image on Right: STERG’s Gillian Cortereal and Janine Roussouw awaiting to welcome the first guests of the symposium.
Research Presented
2014 Symposium Agenda – Agenda 2014
V Rajpaul – Keynote: Concentrating Solar Power in Eskom
AJ Meyer – DNI data and map projects in Southern and Eastern Africa
P Perumall – Characterising the Solar Resource with a Temporal Direct Normal Irradiance Topograph
M Frasquet – Shadowing and blocking effect optimization for a variable geometry heliostat field
AV Hariram – The use of CFD for heliostat wind load analysis
J Larmuth – The effects of heliostat component cost on heliostat size
WA Landman – Limitations of assuming a circular Gaussian flux density distribution for a heliostat image
A Grobler – An optimized aiming strategy using approximate flux mapping
L Kayofa – Feasibility study and business plan for manufacturing a 3 kW-electrical solar Stirling engine and dish, for off-grid electrical power supply units
JC Humm – The development of an Organic Rankine Cycle Heat Engine using a rock thermal battery as the heat source
M Geyer – Keynote: Constructing CSP Plants in the Kalahari Desert
F Louw – Numerical simulation of the flow field in the vicinity of an axial flow fan
C Auret – Effect of remuneration structure on CSP plant configuration and position
M Lubkoll – Initial analysis on the novel Spiky Central Receiver Air Pre-heater (SCRAP) pressurized air receiver
JM Wilms – On the development of a solver to model two-phase horizontal flow in a heated pipe
L Heller – First Assessment of Liquid Glass for CSP Applications
KG Allen – Rock bed thermal storage for CSP: Design considerations
DJ Malan – Solar thermal storage in power generation using phase change material with heat pipes and fins to enhance heat transfer
JP Terblanche – Design and performance evaluation of a HYDROSOL space heating and cooling system

Eskom’s Vikesh Rajpaul (Programme Manger – CSP Renewable Business Unit; Eskom) representing SASTELA on an introduction to its role for the CSP community in South Africa (left) and giving his keynote address on the progress of Eskom’s CSP projects and solar augmentation at Eskom (right).
SASOL Helio40 Opening Ceremony
The STERG research group invited all guests of the symposium to attend the official opening of the SASOL Helio40 heliostat test field on the solar roof lab.

Erection of the SASOL Helio40 heliostats at the STERG facilities
Contact Information
For all question with regards to the the 2nd Annual STERG SolarPACES Symposium please feel free to contact Matti Lubkoll (, Dr. Kenneth Allen ( or call +27 (0)21 808 4016.
STERG Symposium 2013
The first STERG Symposium was held in July 2013. The presentations can be accessed here.
The second Annual STERG SolarPACES Symposium is endorsed by SolarPACES.
Event Sponsors
Many thanks to the sponsors of the 2nd Annual STERG SolarPACES Symposium:
the TIA Helio100 technology project (logo under development)
Research Group Sponsors
Many thanks to the sponsors of the research group: