SANEA (South African National Energy Association) and SANEDI (South African National Energy Development Institute) awards for 2014 have been handed out during a gala evening on 21 August.


Directer of the Centre of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES), Prof Wikus van Niekerk (left in photo), received the 2014 SANEA Energy Award for contributing to renewable energy in South Africa, particularly solar energy. Prof van Niekerk is well known for actively participating in national planning activities as well being involved in several national and international associations, societies and collaborative research.

Associate director of CRSES, Prof Alan Brent (middle), together with his former PhD student and Nebank’s sustainability and carbon footprinting specialist, Dr Marco Lotz, received the SANEA Energy Education Award for their Carbon Footprinting guide which was published earlier in this year.

Electronic engineer and developer of a heliostat field control system, Karel Malan (right), won the SANEDI/RECORD RERE Young Researcher Award. The success of this research contributed to funding awarded by the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) towards TIA-Helio100, an 18 month technology development project.

Congratulations from the rest of the STERG members – your work contribute to Stellenbosch University’s position as leader in renewable energy.
The full article is availble on the SU website.